Standing Tall

Oops, just missed it! This film is no longer available on Netflix streaming or DVD. A brave and daring story of painful childhood and abandonment, but also of complicated parenthood graced our screens on Netflix this week.

Catherine Deneuve continues her lengthy and prestigious career as Florence, the children's magistrate who follows the criminal path of young Maloney, (Rod Paradot) a troubled adolescent abandoned by his mother at just six years old.

The film is reminiscent of Maïwenn's 2011 Polisse in that it uncovers the untold story of the challenging and often heartbreaking work that comes with being in protective services.

Veteran Deneuve and newcomer Paradot play off each other extremely well, as one plays a stern but compassionate mother figure, while the other a volatile explosive waiting to blow.

The drama was inspired by director Emmanuelle Bercot's uncle, an educator in the department of court-supervised children, thus we can expect the gripping tales that only come with the relatability and truth of real life.

- Nicole Eicholtz

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