Valley of Love

NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE TO STREAM ON NETFLIX. NOW AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX DVDMysterious for some, frustrating for others, Valley of Love is less about the story and more about the dynamic between Isabelle Huppert and Gérard Depardieu, who found themselves on a weird quest in California's Death Valley.

A mystical road-movie, Valley of love finds the two French actors playing themselves with character traits you would imagine from them - Depardieu is a good-hearted beast of a man and Isabelle Huppert is a loving mom with hang ups. They have not seen each other for years and are here to answer to an invitation from their son Michael, which they received after his suicide, six months ago. He asks them to go to a particular place in the desert at a particular time, where he promises he will reappear one last time. Despite the absurdity of the situation, they decide to follow the initiatory program designed by Michael...

Watching Isabelle Huppert and Gérard Depardieu deal with motel rules and American tourists in such an eerie place as Death Valley leads to great dialogue between two of the biggest stars of French Cinema. The movie is only about them and they deliver here a fine acting lesson, where emotions don't necessarily mean screams or tears.

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