La Vie d'Adèle (Blue is The Warmest Color)

Get excited. In all types of ways. This year's favorite at the Palme d'or is now available on Netflix Instant Play. We're talking about the movie that caused a titillating stir among audiences all over, and I am not using that adjective lightly.

Childhood. First love. Sexual discovery. The beauty of Blue is the Warmest Color (La Vie d'Adèle) is that it's about all of that first. Next it adds a layer that is popularized in interviews, and on the cover of magazines, which is that of homosexuality and self- acceptance. On top of that, there's a theme of differences in class, which acts as a cherry on top. 

Abdellatif Kechiche succeeded in creating one of the first modern love story of blossoming lesbians from beginning to end. Catching like wildfire at the box offices in France just this last year, it received strong critical acclaim, as well as extraordinary amounts of bait for the gossip columns. The moment the film made its appearance, the controversy of grueling working conditions set by Abdellatif Kechiche for his main actresses also came to the forefront. Lamenting a 10 day shooting schedule for the epic sex scene, the two on screen lovers denounced ever working with their director again.  

The film itself, partially inspired by Julie Maroh's graphic novel, Blue Angel, chronicles the young adult life of Adèle (Adèle Exarchopoulos). Not even out of high school, Adèle meets her knight in shining armor in the form of a sexy and mysterious female James Dean. Emma (Léa Seydoux) is older, in the cultured art scene, and has blue hair.  

The vulnerability of Adèle, paired with the sensuality of Emma make for an addicting display of chemistry. The acting is passionate and focused, and the camera is observant and sensitive.

If you're in the mood for a provocative, brilliant, youthful tableau with phenomenal talent, it is in your best interest to sit back and enjoy Blue is the Warmest Color in the comfort of your own home. 

Nicole Eicholtz

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